


I always fall in love with those who are unwilling to love me seriously.

2、我总觉得自己运气太差了 赶不上合适 碰不上认真 遇不到坚定。

I always feel that my luck is too bad, I can't catch up with the right, I can't meet the seriousness, I can't meet the firmness


I can't find a more comfortable state than being alone

4、我是来给我家小孩撑腰的 不是来主持公道的。

I'm here to support my children, not to uphold justice.


Let's go home. Let's go home. I'll take you home. As long as I'm here, you don't have to grow up. You don't have to grow taller. I'll bend over for you.


I'm sweet, but I'm too lazy to get close to you.


My feet are like stepping on sand, and I fell into the time when I had you.


People who applaud others cheer for themselves.

9、让心中无事 让细水长流。

Let nothing happen in your heart and let the water flow


I'll be with you for a carefree future.


You are smart, glib, stupid, my favorite.

12、你什么时候才会明白 我给你发的生活琐碎都是在表达爱意。

When will you realize that the trivial life I sent you is to express love again


Shoulder to shoulder may last longer than hand in hand

14、都怪我要去偏要爱 偏要等待 偏要相信自己是例外。

It's my fault that I have to prefer, wait, and believe that I am the exception

15、但是其实没有那么爱你 喜欢你 就是没有那么强烈的那种喜欢。

But in fact, I don't love you so much. I like you just don't like you so strongly